Personal Growth
9 (Closed courses will not be included.)
  • Overview
Recorded webinars that fall in the track of personal growth.
This presentation will cover the highlights and trends in compensation and benefits for grant professionals identified in the 2023 GPA Compensation and Benefits survey. This webinar is free to all who wish to attend.
The importance of mentoring to grant professionals from the perspective of both mentor and mentee.
New to grant writing? Need a system to keep your sanity (or at least appear so)? I’ll share the mostly free tools I used and the system I created as a first-time grant writer and nonprofit newbie.
Agile leadership in nonprofits focuses on empowering nonprofit professionals, regardless of their title, to embrace the role they can play as a leader within their teams (especially grant teams!).
Conflicts come in all shapes and sizes. You may have a disagreement with a colleague or supervisor or need to tell a client or collaborator that you think they should approach a project a different way. Learn productive strategies to manage these conflicts in a way that preserves your relationship while garnering the desired outcome.
Wondering how AI will impact your career? Want to know what tools are available and how to use them ethically? This is the event for you! As a grant writing professional, staying ahead of the curve is critical to success. This unique, peer-to-peer discussion will provide you with the opportunity to ask questions, share your own insights and engage in informed conversations about the future of the field. Led by Your Nerdy Best Friend, Beth Z, this online town hall will take you on a journey of discove
In our work and everyday life, we encounter difficult and challenging situations and people. In this session you will determine your conflict management style and how to respond to conflict.
At every stage of your career, you deserve a career development strategy. This webinar will cover how to build your career development strategy to shift from a sense of merely surviving to truly thrive.
If you’ve ever wondered how to advance your grants work toward larger leadership positions, this session will offer an insider’s view. This interview-style webinar will reveal the story of a junior hire who elevated her nonprofit’s private grants portfolio—and her career. Her trajectory points at a virtuous cycle useful to all ambitious grant professionals.
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