It's Not All Puppies and Rainbows! Managing and Resolving Conflict as a Grant Professional
$9.99 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Grant professionals tend to be collaboratively minded individuals who always work harmoniously with others, Right???? Then why do we need a session on conflict resolution? The answer is because CONFLICT IS INEVITABLE! Given the variety of individuals, a grant professional must interact with, from project staff to finance staff to community partners, it is a given that conflict is going to arise from time to time. And inevitably, it will happen in the 11th hour when a grant deadline is looming over our heads. When faced with these situations, what is a grant professional to do? If you really want to know, then you must attend this session! 

This session will define conflict, in all of its positive and negative facets, as well as present the potential outcomes of conflict. Most importantly, attendees will learn how to use negotiation skills during the situational conflict in order to sustain healthy working relationships that will enhance, rather than damage, our future grant processes. Using two theoretical frameworks, the Johari Window and the Concern Theory, this session will present unique methodologies for handling conflict in a way that promotes both personal and professional integrity as well as the integrity of the grants profession. After leaving this session, attendees will know exactly what to do when conflict arises. 


Andrea Hoff is the Owner/President of You Thrive Training & Consulting, LLC, that provides grant seeking, proposal writing, and grants management services. With 26 years of experience, Andrea has worked both as a grant seeker and grant maker. She is the current President of the Miami Valley, Ohio GPA Chapter and holds a Grant Professional Certification. Andrea has conducted hundreds of presentations at the local, state, and national levels, and has an MPA from the University of Dayton.

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Personal Growth

GPC Competencies:
Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developer

It's Not All Puppies and Rainbows! Managing and Resolving Conflict as a Grant Professional
Content Types:
Conflict is inevitable! If that is the case, then we better learn how to manage conflict so that it does not hinder our grants processes while also maintaining our professional integrity.
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