Inside the Grantmaker's Black Box: What Really Happens When You Push "Submit" on Your Proposal!
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Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
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You know that feeling on deadline day, when you finally push SUBMIT and your proposal vanishes into The Grantmaker’s Black Box - for weeks, months - maybe forever?

The Grantmaker;s Black Box is where the hard work happens to decide which proposals will be funded. Yet what really goes on inside is almost a complete mystery to grantseekers waiting 

Let’s bust that Black Box open!

Bring your notes and questions to Maryn’s virtual conference session! Maryn dons her Grantmaker’s Hat to tackle all your questions from the “Black Box” video. Then she’ll host a robust “ask anything” discussion about your own right-now challenges and concerns in navigating that Black Box with greater success!


In her 35-year career, Maryn Boess has been a staff grantwriter; grant consultant (with $42 million in awards); grant trainer, reviewer, author, speaker, mentor and coach; and even a grantmaker. This 3-D background brings a unique insider's perspective to the practical, inspiring grants success trainings she shares with thousands each year through GrantsMagic U ( In 2020 Maryn became just the second inductee into the Grant Professionals Class of Distinguished Fellows.

Skill Level:
All Career Levels

Learning Path: 
Federal Grants

GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application

Methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking and recipient organizations and funders

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developer

Inside the Grantmaker's Black Box: What Really Happens When You Push "Submit" on Your Proposal!
Content Types:
Join veteran grantmaking officer Maryn Boess for a unique journey into one grantmaker's funding process - and find out what really happens inside the Grantmaker's Black Box - after you push SUBMIT!
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