I am BIGGER than Burnout: Strategies for Winning the Silent Battle
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Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

In our work in 2020, we were able to identify that burnout is prevalent in the grants profession affecting 3 out of 4 grant professionals. For the 2021 annual conference, we will present resources, tools, and strategies to empower grant professionals to identify and address burnout. 

In a peer-led session, four burnout survivors -- Trish Bachman, Pat Duboise, Bethany Planton, and Johna Rodgers -- join forces to learn more about burnout in the field and help grant professionals survive and start to recover from burnout. 

In this empathy- and humor-riddled presentation, the foursome will share their winding burnout journeys and will specifically address the following learning objectives:

*Define burnout in the simple, relatable terms found in the research.

*Identify signs and symptoms of burnout. 

*Provide tools and strategies to alleviate key burnout factors in the workplace.

*Provide tools and strategies to empower grant professionals to address their physical, psychological, and social needs.

The presentation also will include a self-reflection exercise to help attendees determine their workplace risk factors and think through remedies for the short and long term. The foursome will also use feedback from attendees to inform the next level of their research.  


Trish Bachman is an entrepreneur, business owner, and author. She owns and operates The Write Stuff Delaware, a grant consulting firm located in Lewes, Delaware. She is a GPC, GPA Approved Trainer, and founding member of the GPA Delmarva Chapter. In 2019 and 2020, she co-authored Burnout in the Grants Profession: An Initial Analysis and Bigger Than Burnout: Strategies for Winning the Silent Battle, published in the Journal of the Grant Professionals Association.

Patricia Duboise, GPC, has more than 25 years of grant experience. Since 2003, she has secured and managed an annual portfolio of more than $8 million in government, foundation, and corporate grants for Mercy Care, a federally qualified health center. She is an active member of the Grant Professionals Association and GPA's Georgia Chapter. In 2021, she co-authored the article BIGGER than Burnout: Strategies for Winning the Silent Battle, published in Vol. 19 of GPA's professional journal.

Bethany is the Founder and CEO of bmpconsulting. Since being an AmeriCorps VISTA in 2011, she has worked with more than 35 organizations to secure over $7 million in grant funds. Bethany is a Grant Professional Certified, Registered Scrum Master and Scrum Product Owner, GPA Approved Trainer, and co-author of Burnout in the Grants Profession: An Initial Analysis and Bigger Than Burnout: Strategies for Winning the Silent Battle, published in the Journal of the Grant Professionals Association.

Johna Rodgers, GPC helps solve problems. For 25+ years, she has brought $200 million in grants to help those who need it most. Johna is a 2021 GPA Class of Distinguished Fellows inductee, serves as national president of GPA, is an Approved GPA Trainer, and is an original GPC, earning certification in 2008. Johna is co-author of two seminal works on burnout in the grants profession, published in Volumes 18 and 19 of the Journal of the Grant Professionals Association.

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Personal Growth

GPC Competencies:
Strategies for effective program and project design and development Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking

Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developer

I am BIGGER than Burnout: Strategies for Winning the Silent Battle
Content Types:
Burnout is real, relevant, and recoverable. Join four grant pros as they laugh and (maybe) cry through their eye-opening burnout journeys and provide concrete strategies for prevention and recovery.
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