Beyond the Bodycam: Grant Funding for Public Safety Technology in 2022
$9.99 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

We will discuss how to best access funding available from the US Department of Justice, US Department of Homeland Security, and other federal agencies that support public safety initiatives.

GPC Competency Learning Objectives -

1. Knowledge of how to research, identify, and match funding sources to meet specific needs - Attendees will be able to recite sources of public safety funding, priorities, award amounts, and deadlines. They will also be able to integrate technology use cases into the proposal narrative as a whole. This includes discussion on how such equipment will assist in accomplishing the project's goals and objectives.

2. Knowledge of how to craft, construct and submit an effective grant application - Attendees will be able to list steps needed to be "grant-seeking ready" for a public safety technology project, including building partnerships for collaborative projects. They will know where to access previously-funded proposals in order to integrate effective techniques into future grant applications.

3. Knowledge of strategies for effective program and project design and development - Attendees will be able to identify methods for incorporating technology purchases into a larger program or project design in order to access an expanded list of funding opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable to their organization.


Shannon is a Grants Development Associate for Grants Office and works in the state and local government vertical, specializing in the field of public safety. In that role, she supports teams in their pursuit of funding for a variety of public safety initiatives, including school safety and security. Shannon's education in information science paired with her 15+ years experience in the public safety sector give her an insider's perspective in the pursuit of grant funding.


Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Federal Grants

GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application

Strategies for effective program and project design and development Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking

How to research, identify, and match funding resources to meet specific needs

Beyond the Bodycam: Grant Funding for Public Safety Technology in 2022
Content Types:
Looking for alternate ways to fund your agency's next technology deployment? Join us to discuss the public safety funding landscape as well as how to justify the inclusion of equipment in a proposal.
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