Utilization of Logic Models and the CIPP Framework to Design Programs and Evaluation Plans
$9.99 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

This advanced and interactive session will describe the application of two conceptual models utilized together to facilitate program design and the development of an evaluation plan during the grant application process: (1) program logic models, and (2) Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) framework. 

The program logic model is an essential tool for grant writers. It is a 1-page visual description of a program and includes inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and a theory of change. A logic model can be used to effectively design a program that is grounded in a relevant conceptual framework, clearly articulating the relationship between program activities and targeted outcomes. 

Using the logic model as a foundation, attendees will learn who to develop a detailed program evaluation plan guided by the CIPP evaluation model (Stufflebeam & Zhang, 2017). 

The four dimensions of the CIPP model focus on:

1. What needs to be done? (Context);

2. How should it be done? (Input);

3. Is it being done? (Process);

4. Is it succeeding? (Product)

Based on the emphasis of the proposed project, specific evaluation activities can be implemented to address these areas. The session will provide examples from funded grants and develop an evaluation plan based on input from session participants. Moreover, a diverse range of relevant resources will be provided.  


For over 20 years, Dr. James Pann has worked as a program evaluator with health, human service, and educational organizations on grant funded projects. Dr. Pann is an Associate Professor at Nova Southeastern University where teaches program evaluation and conducts research projects. He is a licensed psychologist and an active member of the American Evaluation Association. Dr. Pann has presented on evaluation related topics at many national conferences and is a published author.

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 

GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application

Strategies for effective program and project design and development Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking


Utilization of Logic Models and the CIPP Framework to Design Programs and Evaluation Plans
Content Types:
This highly interactive session will include the use of logic models and the CIPP evaluation framework for program design and the development of comprehensive evaluation plans for grant proposals.
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