Federal Grants
28 (Closed courses will not be included.)
  • Overview
Recorded webinars that fall in the track of federal grants.
The FEMA: Procurement Under Grants 101 session provides an overview of the rules and requirements for FEMA grant recipients and subrecipients when purchasing under their FEMA award. The presentation will cover the rules applicable for state and non-state entities, full and open competition, methods of procurement, exigency or emergency circumstances, and other key considerations for contracting.
The Top 10 Mistakes When Purchasing Under a FEMA Award presentation details the top 10 most common noncompliance findings from Office of Inspector General audit reports. Participants learn about common procurement compliance pitfalls and how to avoid them in the future.
This webinar is for everyone who works with federally-connected grants. Discover the final changes, with a cross-reference to the 2020 update, and memo M-24-11. Then, take a deep breath! We have until October 1, 2024, when it becomes effective, to grasp the many changes.
What does a funder mean when they require you to use an evidence-based or evidence-informed program design? This session will help you learn the varying levels of evidence expected by different funders, how to find models upon which to base your program, and how to explain all of this in your application.
With nearly $1 trillion in federal grants and countless other funding sources mobilizing to respond to critical needs in our communities, the last thing on the mind of many grant recipients is documentation. But history teaches that expensive and long-lasting consequences can result when documentation of grants is lacking. Explore habits that increase your odds of successful grants while reducing the risk for cost disallowance.
In this session, participants will learn seven methods to prioritize proposals for a grant team to write as well as ways to facilitate prioritization discussions about grant opportunities beyond being deadline-driven.
Interested in learning more about the grant opportunities available for Native American tribal governments and Alaska Native villages? Join us to explore this funding landscape and learn how to position your projects for success.
Since the launch of Grants.gov in 2002, there has been an increasing interest on the part of the federal government to improve efficiency and reduce improper payments through the use of digital assets. These digital assets serve to collect, protect, manage, and analyze data. This webinar, Data, Data Everywhere, will provide an overview of recent trends and the new realities of data and grants.
Where’s the data? You have 30 days to develop a proposal. Your progress report is due and you need comparative data. What are the best strategies to mine data? This webinar is for any grant professional who has ever had to justify a proposal or substantiate a progress report.
Institutions of higher education are constantly innovating, which often requires grant funding to support. In this session, we’ll explore the federal grant funding landscape for education and research initiatives at institutes of higher education and how to get your institution grant-ready.
Earmarks set funds aside for particular projects, bypassing traditional grant solicitations, and have been part of the federal budget process since the first Congress in 1789. Because of past controversies, Congress passed a temporary moratorium on earmarks in 2011, later re-instated in 2021. Earmarks may be an alternative for your projects and federal assistance programs to date.
Are you interested in helping your higher education institution meet its learning and research goals? Join us to explore the higher education funding landscape and position your projects for success.
Is your nonprofit facing a surge in demand on your services, while also struggling to raise funds during the COVID-catalyzed economic downturn? Wondering about what you can do to replace your annual in-person fundraising event to bring in that much-needed cash?
Grant Management plays an essential role in ensuring continuous grant funding, particularly with compliance, audit, and funder relations which is key to having an excellent grant history, providing transparency, and effective management of funder’s grant dollars. This session will highlight the relationship between grantor and grantee, and it will demonstrate how organizations need to ensure their grant teams are engaged in their work and committed to achieving the goals and objectives presented in the or
Learn about and discuss the GPA Code of Ethics. This version is intended for those who are full-time employed grant professionals.
An introduction to federal grants, including types of grants, key stakeholders, and the grants life cycle.
Mary Beth Foley, Grants QSMO Customer Engagement Lead, will present on the Grants QSMO current initiatives, their path ahead, and gather insights from GPA members on how the Grants QSMO can best improve federal grants management for applicants and recipients.
Enhance your reviewer profile and take your knowledge of grants to the next level. Learn how to become a grant reviewer for Federal awards by expanding your knowledge of the peer review process and what it takes to be selected as a reviewer.
Join us for demos of the latest Census Bureau data and tools: American Community Survey, 2020 Census, data.census.gov, and Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) workforce data tools.
Many tribal governments sustain their nation with grant funding. A standardized grant management process is imperative for compliance and maximum drawdown. This webinar will address solutions to the challenges tribal communities face as well as best practices for managing their grant programs.
Writing successful grant applications since the pandemic is harder than ever with changing federal requirements. Discover ways to increase the odds of developing winning proposals for federal funding.
Overwhelmed with managing federal grants? Discover how to confidently use our four pillars of success across a wide spectrum of requirements with practical tips to overcome compliance challenges.
This session addresses key grant management requirements for recipients of ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds from the perspective of recipients’ legal obligations and presenters’ experience assisting local governments in designing and implementing federally-funded activities in the FRF program as well as providing counsel and legal representation to grantees in major federal assistance programs to date.
Monitoring and tracking subrecipients while maintaining compliance is a challenge for all localities, but especially for those with fewer resources. This webinar offers practical solutions to help you do so for your organization.
The uniform guidance is a living document. Revisions occur over time as new legislation and other requirements are implemented. There are other influences such as Executive Orders, Presidential Memos, and developments in technology and standard data elements. This webinar will highlight updates you should know.
The uniform guidance is a living document. Revisions occur over time. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a preview on September 21, 2023 of an extensive “redrafting.” This webinar is for everyone who works with federally-connected grants. Discover the changes, some very positive, with a cross-reference to the 2020 update, and take a deep breath! Final Rule expected by December.
Unexpected circumstances can arise during program implementation that includes changes in key personnel, no-cost extensions, re-budgeting, and others. Delve into common issues that arise when plans change, and how to best address change through the amendment process that requires approval by awarding agencies. The session includes handy templates to assist with amendment requests.
Are you increasingly frustrated with the limitations of online foundation applications? If you find it difficult to distinguish your program from the competition, this webinar will offer some angles that create efficiency and stand to lead you to your largest foundation or corporate grant to date.
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